Monday, 12 May 2008

A overview of ICZM in the UK

Integrated Coastal zone management aims to “integrate” the different polices that have been put into place and also those that have had implications on the coastline. It aims to bring together all those concerned, to inform, support and imply these polices. The Stock take report was published in 2004 and can be found by following the link below;

Throughout the 90’s the European commission funded the “demonstration Programme” which identified a series of environment and social issues that needed to be addresses these include

habitat destruction
loss of fish stocks and biodiversity
economic decline
and social deprivation

The report out lines how they have effectively communicated the “ICZM” name and issues to a number of different sectors. And outline the areas that have been chosen to progress and develop of the coming years. The European commission’s website (below) has all the current and up to date developments concerning the ICZM progress and aims.

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