Monday, 12 May 2008

A few notes on dredging the sea bed

  • It is thought that capital dredging causes coastal erosion, there for an area that is being dredged for profit is constantly being replenished by material that was most likely not included in the original contract.
  • Similarly, maintenance dredging ( dredging to clear harbours, ports etc) is a constant process, needing to be done every few year or even months. This throughs up many a question; the primary ones being linked to the effect on wildlife (during the dredging, but also the damages done when discharging the sediment back into the sea) and whether is maintenance dredging causing Beach's and coastlines to slip into the sea.
  • is a campaging group concerned with the impact of off shore and coastal dredging, on the coastal zone.
  • There are 11companies concerned with dredging, 8 of these 11 are members of the British Marine Aggregate Producers Association (BMAPA) their website is;
  • The local Harbour authorities control the dredging of materials for maintenance purposes
  • The coastal protection act (1949) also controls the dredging of materials where there are no local authorities or behind the harbour limits.
  • the Food and environment protection act (1985) controls and decides where the maintenance dredged sediment is discharged.
  • DEFRA has to give consent for all dredging

Notes taken form Rory Mcphee's lecture ant Falmouth Marine School.

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